The Evergreen State College Logo Hot Topics:
Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.
September 11, 2001

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Wire Services Pictures of September 11
Website created by: Carlos A. Diaz

Federal Government Sources New York State Government Sources Washington State Government Sources
News Services Photo Gallery Other Sources

Photo Gallery

Photo of
	 President George W. Bush Praying
President George W. Bush asks
for a moment of silence after
the World Trade Center in
New York was struck by two aircraft,
September 11, 2001. (Win McNamee/Reuters)
Billowing smoke from the World Trade
	 Center Towers
Smoke billows from the two
World Trade Center towers
after TWO planes crashed
into each tower, in
New York on
September 11, 2001.
(Peter Morgan/Reuters)
Plumes of smoke from the World Trade
		    Center buildings
Plumes of smoke pour from the
World Trade Center buildings
in New York Tuesday,
Sept. 11, 2001.
Planes crashed into the
upper floors of both
World Trade Center towers
minutes apart Tuesday in a
horrific scene of explosions
and fires that left gaping
holes in the 110-story buildings.
(AP Photo/Patrick Sison)
Chart showing how the two planes crashed into
   the World Trade Center towers
Two planes crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York Tuesday morning, causing huge explosions and killing at least six people, television said. CNBC television said there were at least a thousand injured. (Reuters Graphic)
Chart showing the plane crash near the
	   White House
A plane crash at the Pentagon and a fire near the White House rocked the nation's capital Tuesday, forcing evacuation of the federal government and sending workers rushing into the streets. The incidents in Washington, which led to evacuation of federal buildings, came shortly after two planes slammed into the World Trade Center towers in New York. (Reuters Graphic)
Chart showing list of missing and dead from
   the WTC towers by country
This Reuters graphics shows a list of the dead and missing from the many foreign nations whose citizens were in the World Trade Center when it was attacked. (Reuters Graphic)
German policeman placing flowers in memory
	of the September 11 victims in front of the 
	U.S. Embassy
A German policeman lays flowers in front of the United States' embassy in central Berlin September 11, 2001. Two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York as office workers began work on Tuesday morning, causing the south tower to collapse. REUTERS/Alexandra Winkler
Firefighters remove the body of Rev. Mike
	   who was giving last rites to a victim when he
Rescue workers remove a man from one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City, early September 11, 2001. Both towers were hit by planes crashing into the buildings and collapsed a short time later. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Note from Hot Topics Webmaster: The picture of the man carried off by firefighters was New York Fire Department Chaplain "Rev. Mike." He had taken his helmet off to give last rites to someone who was dying. He was buried on September 15, 2001.

Photo Gallery, Page 2

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