Hot Topics: 25th Anniversary of Challenger Disaster, 1986 - 2011
Last update: April 29, 2003![]() |
Seated:Michael J. Smith,Commander Francis "Dick" Scobee (native of Cle Elum, WA), Ronald E. McNair |
- An Accident in History: Challenger in Perspective
- Arlington National Cemetery's Challenger Memorial
- Biographies of Challenger Crew
- Budget Effects of the Challenger Accident , March 1986 -- Congressional Budget Office
- Challenger (STS-51-L)Mission website
- Challenger Accident (slide show presentation)
- Challenger Accident, The -- U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission
- Challenger Center for Space Science Education
- Challenger Disaster Bibliography
- Chapter 9: The Challenger Accident . From Power to Explore: History of MSFC. -- Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
- Children's Challenger Poems
- Information on the STS-51L/Challenger Accident
- Investigation of the Challenger Accident: Report of the Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, 99th Congress, 2nd Session, House Report 99-1016, October 29, 1986 (.pdf)
- NASA's Actions to Implement the Rogers Commission Recommendations after the Challenger Accident
- Photo Gallery of the mission including images of the wreckage and the memorial service.
- Reinventing NASA, , March 1994 -- Congressional Budget Office
Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident (Rogers Commission Report)
- Selected Congressional Hearings and Reports from The Challenger Space Shuttle Accident (also includes Apollo 13 hearings)
- Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
- STS-51-L Space Shuttle Mission Chronology
- The 1988 Budget and the Future of the NASA Program, March 1987 -- Congressional Budget Office
- The Challenger Accident (via Federation of American Scientists website)
- Apollo XI 40th Anniversary, 1969 - 2009
- Space Shuttle Columbia Accident February 1, 2003
- Wright Brothers First Flight Centennial 1903 - 2003